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Scientific Publications


  • 2018. I. Gandarias, S. García-Fernández, I. Obregón, I. Agirrezabal-Tellería, P.L. Arias. "Production of 2-Methylfuran from biomass through an integrated biorefinery approach". Fuel Processing Technology. 2018, (178): 336-343.

Communications / Publications

  • 2018. A. Asueta, P. Ereño, D. Iribarnegaray, S. Arnaiz, O. Salas. “Advanced separation of bromine-free plastic fractions from WEEE streams: design and development of a libs based continuous identification and sorting prototype". Going Green Care Innovation 2018. Towards a Circulary Economy. Viena (Austria).
  • 2018. A. Sánchez, S. Villanueva, A. Rüdiger, A. Asueta. “Compounding recycled plastics (from electric and electronic waste streams) and their application in E&E sector: mechanical and fire properties of halogen free flame retardant PC/ABS compounds". Going Green Care Innovation 2018. Towards a Circulary Economy. Viena (Austria).
  • 2018. R. Navarro, A. Paniagua, A. Rubio, R. Miguel-Aleza, R. Seoane Rivero, A. Asueta, J.M. Cuevas, A. Marcos-Fernández. “Synthesis of thermoplastic polyurethanes based on novel macrodiol obtained from the hydrolysis of PET". 10th ECNP International Conference on Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites. San Sebastián.
  • 2017. O. Salas. “CLOSEWEE. Identification of BR in WEEE plastics by LIBS”. Workshop on Latest Developments in Sorting and Separation Technologies for WEEE Plastics. Zamudio.
  • 2015. S. Arnaiz. “Plastic waste treatment by pyrolysis and gasification technologies”. Waste as a Resource International Conference. From Waste to Energy. Bilbao.


  • 2018. E. Verdejo, R. Sempere, M. Márquez, R. Miguel, A. Asueta, S. Arnaiz. “Economía circular de espumas de poliuretano vía reciclado químico”. 14ª Edición del Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente (CONAMA 2018). Madrid.
  • 2018. A. Asueta, S. García, J. Barrenetxea-Arando, I. Márquez, A. Orobengoa, A. Martínez, E. Bekaert, M. Jauregi. “Proyecto Relibat: Desarrollo de tecnologías y modelos económicos para el reciclado integral de sistemas de almacenamiento de energía electroquímica de ion de litio y la recuperación de sus materiales valiosos y críticos”. 14ª Edición del Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente (CONAMA 2018). Madrid.

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