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Europar Proiektuak


1991. urtean GAIKERrek bere ibilbidea hasi zuen Europan. Azkeneko 3 hamarkadetan finantzatutako 153 I+G proiektu baino gehiagotan parte hartu dugu, Europar Batzordeak bere hainbat programei esker. Horietatik, 10 proiekturen buruak izan gara. Horretarako, nazioarte mailako 1030 erakunde baino gehiagorekin batera egin dugu lan.

2007. urtetik, proiektu horien betetzearekin zerikusia duten jarduerek “GAIKERren Nazioarteko Proiektuen Bulegoa” ren bidez kudeatzen dira. Bulego horrek, kudeaketa zentralizatu eta koordinatu ez ezik, bere xedeen artean ere dago gure Fundazioaren kideei eta bezeroei laguntza ematea nazioartekotze estrategiei dagokionez, eta baita Europan burutzen dugun jardueren itzulera ekonomikoa handitzea ere.

Gobierno de España

GAIKERren Nazioarteko Proiektuen bulegoaren aktibitateak, Zientzia eta Berrikuntzaren Ministerioaren INNOEUROPA programaren laguntza jaso du 2009 (PID-174000-2009-17.  Emandako diru-laguntza: 188.956,82€) eta 2011 (INE-2011-0019. Emandako diru-laguntza: 94.886,90€) urteetan, eta Ekonomia eta Lehiakortasunaren Ministerioaren EUROPA Zentro Teknologiko programaren laguntza jaso du 2015an (ECT-2015-0180.  Emandako diru-laguntza: 149.987€).

Iraupena Akronimoa Titulua
2023 - 2026 Soilutions Enabling underused bio-waste feedstocks into safe and effective market-ready soil improvers
2023 - 2026 SEARCULAR Circular solutions for fishing gears
2023 - 2026 ICARE Integrated assessment and advanced characterisation of neuro-nanotoxicity
2023 - 2026 Faster H2 Fuselage, rear fuselage and empennage with cabin and cargo architecture solution validation and technologies for H2 integration
2023 - 2026 Bioring Engineering high performance biocoatings from renewable reactive building blocks.
2022 - 2026 Repoxyble Depolymerizable bio-based multifunctional closed loop recyclable epoxy systems for energy efficient structures.
2022 - 2026 Recreate From niche to mainstream - alternative proteins for everybody and everywhere.
2022 - 2026 Recreate Recycling technologies for circular reuse and remanufacturing of fiber-reinforced composite materials.
2022 - 2026 Recreate Symbiotic, circular bioremediation systems and biotechnology solutions for improved environmental, economic and social sustainability in pollution control.
2022 - 2025 Infinite Advanced characterisation methodologies to assess and predict the health and environmental risks of advanced materials
2022 - 2025 Infinite Fire resistant environmental friendly composites.
2022 - 2025 Infinite Aerospace composites digitally sensorised from manufacturing to end-of-life.
2022 - 2025 MC4 Multi-level circular process chain for carbon and glass fibre composites.
2021 - 2025 Plasticsfate Plastics fate and effects in the human body.
2021 - 2024 Fraction Novel lignocellulose fractionation process for high purity lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose valorisation into added value products.
2020 - 2024 Sabyna Simple, robust and cost-effective approaches to guide industry in the development of safer nanomaterials and nano-enabled products
2020 - 2024 Iceberg Innovative circular economy based solutions demonstrating the efficient recovery of valuable material resources from the generation of representative end-of-life building materials
2019 - 2024 Plast2bcleaned Plastics to be cleaned from harmful additives to reusability

» Historiko: Europar Proiektuak

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