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Safe by Design Implementation: Industrial Experiences from European Initiatives

In the framework Industrial Forum-Imaginenano 2018, we organize this workshop which presents the implementation of the safe design strategy (SbD) of nanomaterials within the innovation process.

Data 14|03|2018
Ronda de Azkue, 1. 48902 Barakaldo
Kuota Gratuita. Incluye entrada a la Exhibiton Area
Antolatzaile GAIKER-IK4 eta TEMAS

 Aurkezpena eta helburuak

The workshop present the implementation of the Safe by Design (SbD) approach in the innovation process through industrial experiences developed in the NanoReg2 project. This, together with the Risk Governance Framework developed in the caLIBRAte project will give safer and more economic Nanomatials and will allow a better risk management through the life cycle of the products.

The objectives of the workshop are:

- To introduce the safe-by-design concept and tools to the industry.
- To demonstrate SbD using industrial experiences in European initiatives.

14:00h-14:10h Welcome (Edorta Larrauri. GAIKER-IK4)

14:10h-14:30h Safe by design, Risk assessment and Risk governance in industry. (Isabel Rodríguez. GAIKER-IK4)

14:30h-14:50h Grouping of nanomaterials as a previous step for safe by design, registration and risk assessment: an approach based on ecotoxicity data in H2020 project NanoReg2. (José Mª Navas. INIA)

14:50h-15:10h Guidance for SbD implementation in the Nanotechnology Industry. (Raquel Puelles. AVANZARE)
15:10h-15:30h Nanoreg2 SbD case study: Carbon nanofibres produced by the floating catalyst  technique. (César Merino. ANTOLIN INGENIERÍA)

15:30h-15:50h Collection of data and monitoring the efficacy of Risk Mitigation Measures in caLIBRAte.  (Camila Delpivo. LEITAT)

15:50h-16:10h The safe-by-design concept and its application in industrial innovation processes. (Blanca Suárez. TEMAS)
16:10h-16:30h Questions time and closure
  Kuota: Gratuito. 
Es necesario inscripción que incluye la entrada a la Exhibition Area: 
 Isabel Rodríguez
Raquel Puelles
Joséª Navas
César Merino
Camila Delpivo
Blanca Suárez

Evento finalizado.

Irudi galeria

Erlazionaturiko dokumentuak

info:  Nekane Sadaba,

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