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Evaluación de la seguridad de los nanomateriales: situación actual y retos futuros

The In Vitro Testing Industrial Platform IVTIP in collaboration with GAIKER-IK4 organises this meeting. New methods of toxicological evaluation, regulation, standardization and measurement as well as challenges ahead will be explored in the new field of nanomaterials.

IVTIP members are genuinely interested in the use of in vitro testing for regulatory/safety testing or early decision-making in compound discovery and development. IVTIP members endorse “The 21st Century Toxicity Testing’’ strategy as the ultimate replacement of animal experimentation for regulatory/safety testing. IVTIP members are supportive of the 3Rs: applying opportunities resulting in reduction of animal numbers or refinement of existing animal experiments contributing to the development of replacement strategies. They also endorse a 4th R: responsibility towards animals as well as towards the growing demand by society for better ways of assuring safety.
This meeting is focused on in vitro toxicology methods for the assessment of nanomaterials.


08.30 – 08.45 h Welcome
      Bart De Wever, ALTEXA Development, Monaco
       IVTIP Board/Executive Secretary
08.45 – 09.30 h Quality assessment of toxicity studies on nanomaterials 
      Jeffrey W. Card, Senior Program Manager, Toxicology Intertek Cantox, Ontario, Canada
09.30 – 10.15 h Nanomaterial measurement: the role of standardization and harmonization
       Christoph Klein, Program Manager
       Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements 
       JRC, European Commission, Belgium
10.15 – 10.45 h Coffee Break
10.45 – 11.30 h Experimental nanotoxicity testing in vivo and in vitro
       Frieke Kuper, Senior Scientist Quality of Life
       TNO, The Netherlands
11.30 – 12.15 h Regulatory issues and nanomaterial riks
       Steffi Friedrich, Director General
       The Nanotechnology Industry Association, Belgium
12.15 - 13.30 h Lunch
13.30 – 14.15 h In vitro models of biological barriers for safety and efficacy testing of
       Claus-Michael Lehr, Head, Department of Drug Delivery
       Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS), Germany
14.15 – 15.00 h The in vivo fate of nanomedicines and nanotoxicity 
      Elias Fattal, Director UMR CNRS 8612. 
      Univ. Of Paris Sud, School of Pharmacy, France
15.00 – 15.30 h Coffee Break
15.30 – 16.10 h Advances and challenges when investigating toxicological responses to
       inhaled nanoparticles at the in vitro level
       Tobias Stoeger, Head Institute of Inhalation Biology
       Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany
16.10 – 16.30 h Human skin organ culture as a potential non animal model for safety
       evaluation of metallic nanoparticles
       Myriam Oron, R&D Manager of Clineral, Chemist of the Medical Division
       AHAVA Dead Sea Laboratories, Israel
16.30 – 16.50 h New advances in the toxicological evaluation of nanomaterials
       Blanca Suarez, Head of Biomedicine Unit
       Gaiker Technology Center, Spain
16.50 – 17.35 h Presentation of 3 selected posters
17.35 – 18.00 h Round Table Round up
 19 de Abril de 2012
 Lugar de celebración
   Parque Tecnológico, Ed. 202
   48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)

 Hora: 8:30-18:00
Industry: 250€ 
Academia: 150€
Students: 50€
Evento finalizado.

Documentos asociados

info:  Nekane Sadaba,

© 2024 GAIKER Centro Tecnológico

Parque Tecnológico, Ed. 202. 48.170 Zamudio (Spain)

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